Your $4 t-shirt is costing you millions | Joshua Baer

[SLF: I’ll post links to interesting alumni-written articles here from time to time, with minimal quotation and a link to the original posting when at all possible. In any case, if the author wishes a different treatment or to have the post taken down, please let me know and we’ll get it done!]

Nice post from Joshua Baer over on Medium:

“I’m as cheap as the next entrepreneur, but I’m here to make the case for spending twice as much on your t-shirts so that you get 10 times the value from them.”

I know t-shirts are a bit of nostalgia for Trilogy Alumni – we had some great shirts back in the day. I think ApplianceOrder won the unofficial t-shirt competition (“I am so cool”) but there were some other gems like “Developing Stars” and the Only The Best shirts.  Thoughts on the value of a t-shirt to your businesses today?  Or to the businesses you patronize?

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